Monday 25 October 2010

The Shuttle is launched!

So, here it is, my first journey into the exciting world of blogging!  Now, what do I say?  I suppose I should start with my reasons for creating this space.  I'm in my final year at university and really want to start expanding my creative writing portfolio.  I have been published twice in anthologies, but that seems like such a long time ago that I really need to step it up a gear.  Therefore, all this morning, I have been putting together a list of websites that accept submissions for SciFi short stories - and if they pay for them so much the better.

Although I have been writing since I was about nine years old, it was mostly horror (although I must admit that my very first attempt at a short story at that age was a terrible tale of astronauts being lost around Jupiter and kidnapped by fluffy aliens!) I still have a copy of it somewhere, badly typed up on an ancient manual typewriter (you remember those?)  Anyway, I digress... For the last several years I had been pondering the idea of writing a novel along the lines of The Handmaid's Tale or Children of Men, but I was never sure what category it fell into (you'll be surprised how many SciFi books fall into the General Fiction category).  Then, after a fantastic Short Fiction module in which a talk was given by Chris Beckett ('The Turing Test'), I discovered that SciFi doesn't have to be about spaceships and robots, it can be about alternative Earth realities.  Perfect!  My genre WAS Science Fiction after all!  So, I for my final assessment I wrote a 2000wd short story called 'Atrophy'.  I got an A grade.  Then I thought, why not try and get this published?  So, that's what I'm attempting to do.  Wish me luck! 
Now, after four years of procrastination (washing the dishes suddenly seemed like a preferable activity) I got my backside in gear and started writing the novel... (the first 8000wds will be my dissertation).  I was hoping to enter the Terry Pratchett competition but I'll never have it finished in time - maybe next year... 
Suddenly I realise that I should probably be doing that instead of this epic.  With this blog, have I unwittingly created a new way of procrastinating, I wonder?


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging! Now stop procrastinating and go and finish that novel! :)

  2. Congrats on your new blog! You're inspiring me to finally start my sci-fi/horror movie blog (the gardening blog is on haitus, maybe indefinitely!). Looking forward to hearing more about your novel.
